63rd Annual Conference & 64th National Council Meeting
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- 63rd Annual Conference & 64th National Council Meeting
The 63rd Annual Conference & 64th National Council Meeting of the Federation was held at the Copthorne Hotel in Queenstown during the weekend 26-28 March 2010.
Friday 26 March
Alan Brady (left) and Wally Garrett (right)
Dr Bob Smith, president of the Otago/Southland society which, together with the Federation, co-hosted the Conference, introduced Mr. Alan Brady, pioneer of the wine industry in central Otago. In his address titled “Visions, Dreams and Making Things Happen”, Mr. Brady spoke about his early life as a broadcaster and his later successful venture into the wine-making industry. The president of the Federation, Mr. Wally Garrett, thanked Mr. Brady and welcomed delegates and observers to the 63rd Annual Conference.
Saturday 27 March
The business session of the weekend took place on Saturday morning, with matters of topical interest receiving plenty of discussion and debate. Officers elected for the forthcoming year were Wally Garrett as President, Simon McMillan as Vice President and Lorraine Peacock as National Coordinator/treasurer. The four Executive committee positions were filled by Janis Bourne, Lee Cook, Ava Thomas, and Wayne Vass.
Educational and information sharing sessions followed on Saturday afternoon. Libby Blackley and Ross James from Adaptive Snowsports gave an interesting talk and visual presentation and this was followed by a session on “Challenges Facing Limb Services in New Zealand” by Mervyn Monk, Chief Executive of the Artificial Limb Board.
A good social evening followed, with entertainment provided by Richardson Jazz, and on Sunday morning, delegates and observers were treated to a coach sightseeing tour of Queenstown and Arrowtown.
Annual Conferences
- 75th Jubilee Conference & 76th National Council Meeting
- 75th National Council Meeting
- 74th National Council Meeting
- 72nd Annual Conference & 73rd National Council Meeting
- 71st Annual Conference & 72nd National Council Meeting
- 70th Annual Conference & 71st National Council Meeting
- 69th Annual Conference & 70th National Council Meeting
- 68th Annual Conference & 69th National Council Meeting
- 67th Annual Conference & 68th National Council Meeting
- 66th Annual Conference & 67th National Council Meeting
- 65th Annual Conference & 66th National Council Meeting
- 64th Annual Conference & 65th National Council Meeting
- 63rd Annual Conference & 64th National Council Meeting
- 62nd Annual Conference & 63rd National Council Meeting
- 61st Annual Conference & 62nd National Council Meeting
- 60th Jubilee Conference & 61st National Council Meeting