64th Annual Conference & 65th National Council Meeting

The 64th Annual Conference & 65th National Council Meeting of the Federation was held at the Brentwood Hotel in Wellington during the weekend 25-27 March 2011.

Friday 25 March

The President, Mr. Wally Garrett, welcomed those present and introduced the Hon. Tariana Turia, Minister for Disability Issues. Mrs. Turia stated that mobility was a key to independence: that and accessibility were uppermost in the minds of government. the issue of employment was the main topic of discussion – Mrs. Turia stated that being employed was vital to independence, as well as important for self-confidence and self-esteem.

Saturday 26 March

The business session of the weekend took place on Saturday morning, with good healthy debate on a variety of subjects. Officers elected for the forthcoming year were Wally Garrett (president), Simon McMillan (vice president), Lorraine Peacock (coordinator/treasurer), and Janis Bourne, Chris Fromont, Jenny Thompson and Wayne Vass as committee members.

Educational and information sharing sessions followed on Saturday afternoon. Maria Polaczuk (occupational therapist) and John Moffat (psychologist) of the pain management service at the capital & coast district health board gave interesting and enlightening presentations on innovative treatments for phantom limb pain. This was followed by an update on current issues facing the New Zealand Artificial Limb Board presented by Mervyn Monk (Chief Executive) and Claire Johnstone (Chairperson).

A social evening on Saturday night and a sightseeing coach tour on the Sunday morning concluded an enjoyable weekend.

(Photos courtesy of Janis Bourne)


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