65th Annual Conference & 66th National Council Meeting
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- 65th Annual Conference & 66th National Council Meeting
The 65th Annual Conference and 66th National Council Meeting was held at the Crown Hotel in Napier during the weekend 23-25 March 2012.
Friday 23 March
The President, Mr Wally Garrett, welcomed those present and introduced Mrs Barbara Arnott, Mayor of Napier. Mrs Arnott’s address was warm and welcoming; she referred to the Federation’s history, A Challenge with Purpose, and said she had known Mrs Yvonne Francis, a Past Secretary and President of the Federation. She mentioned the Napier earthquake, making a comparison with recent experiences in Christchurch. Mrs Arnott then welcomed delegates and observers to Napier and officially declared the Conference open.
Saturday 24 March
The business session took place on Saturday morning when the following officers were elected: President – Simon McMillan (Mosgiel), Vice President – John Ealand (Blenheim), National Coordinator – Lorraine Peacock (Dunedin), Committee – Janis Bourne (Auckland), Jon Fitzpatrick (Wellington), Chris Fromont (Taranaki) and Chris Ross (Auckland).
Speakers on Saturday afternoon included Mr David Guest of Enable, who gave an overview of Enable’s responsibility to provide funding for equipment and housing modifications for all MOH and ACC clients. Following Mr Guest’s talk, the gathering heard from Artificial Limb Board members, Claire Johnstone (Chair), Mervyn Monk (CEO) and Graham Flanagan (National Prosthetics Manager.
New Life Member
Eighty-three people were present at the dinner on Saturday evening, at which a presentation of Life Membership was made to Mr Lindsay Trotman, the Federation’s solicitor.
Sunday 25 March
Delegates and observers went on a coach sightseeing tour finishing back at the hotel for lunch and a debriefing session with the Give it a Go youths.
Photos courtesy Jane Smith
Annual Conferences
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- 69th Annual Conference & 70th National Council Meeting
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- 67th Annual Conference & 68th National Council Meeting
- 66th Annual Conference & 67th National Council Meeting
- 65th Annual Conference & 66th National Council Meeting
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- 63rd Annual Conference & 64th National Council Meeting
- 62nd Annual Conference & 63rd National Council Meeting
- 61st Annual Conference & 62nd National Council Meeting
- 60th Jubilee Conference & 61st National Council Meeting