67th Annual Conference & 68th National Council Meeting

The 67th Annual Conference and 68th National Council Meeting was held at the Trailways Hotel in Nelson during the weekend 21-23 March 2014.

Friday Evening

Official Opening – The evening began with the singing of the National Anthem led by singing group, Men in Accord, who also entertained those present with a selection of melodies.

A warm welcome was extended to over 80 Amputee Society members and supporters by Mr. John Ealand (Vice President of the Federation) and Mrs Amy Hindley, (President of the Amputee Society of Nelson & Marlborough).

Nelson City Councillor, Mr. Ian Barker, then addressed the meeting, highlighting the importance of accessibility and the need to ensure that those with a disability had the same choices as everyone else. He then officially declared the Conference open.

The business session followed, the highlight of which was the adoption of a new logo which was enthusiastically endorsed by all those present.

 This logo represents the inter-linking and coming together of amputees (shown in the joining of the four figures).
It supports a positive vibrant feel to represent that being an amputee does not mean life comes to an end.
It is a capitative logo that is moving and fluent, symbolising that as amputees we are not limited by disability.


  • The Election of Officers resulted in the following:
  • Simon McMillan (President);
  • John Ealand (Vice President);
  • Lorraine Peacock (Coordinator/Treasurer);
  • Wally Garrett, Rory McSweeney, Chris Ross and Diane Walsh (Committee).



In the morning, delegates and observers took part in a variety of activities organised by the Amputee Society of Nelson & Marlborough; visiting the car museum and the browsing the Saturday morning market proved to be the most popular.

During the afternoon, educational and information sharing sessions included an update on the osseointegration procedure, a session on Iyengar Yoga, and an update from the NZ Artificial Limb Service.

One of the many highlights of the weekend was the pirate-themed dinner, with 84 joining in the festivities.



The session on Sunday morning was titled “A Focus on Motivation – Mind, Body, Soul & You”.  Guest speakers included Robbie Francis and Liam Malone, following which the 17 GIAG youths shared their experiences of Saturday’s activities.



The Federation appreciated the sponsorship received from the following: Professor Munjed Al Muderis, Otto Bock Australia Pty Ltd, Ossur Asia Pacific, Orthodynamics Australia, and Orthoimplants Australia.  There was much interest shown in the trade displays exhibited by these sponsors.


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