69th Annual Conference and 70th National Council Meeting
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- 69th Annual Conference & 70th National Council Meeting
The 69th Annual Conference and 70th National Council Meeting was held at the Sudima Hotel in Christchurch during the weekend 15-17 April 2016.
Friday Evening
Official Opening
The President, Mr. John Ealand, extended a welcome to approximately 90 Amputee Society members and supporters. Mr. Ken Te Tau then performed a powhiri and a moment’s silence was observed in memory of those who had lost hteir lives in the World Wars.
Mr. Raf Manji, Christchurch City Councillor, welcomed visitors to Christchurch, extended best wishes for a successful weekend, and officially declared the Conference open. Light refreshments were then served, while those present mingled with old and new acquaintances.
The business session followed, with the Election of Officers resulting in the following: John Ealand (President); Mark Bruce (Vice President); Lorraine Peacock (Coordinator/Treasurer); Wally Garrett, Geoff Hansen, David Johnston and Claudia Teague (Committee).
In the morning, attendees enjoyed leisure time, including a visit to the Antarctic Centre or a bus tour of the Canterbury Rebuild.
During the afternoon, the guest speaker was Dr Kate Barnard, Rehabilitation Physician, whose address was Living Well with an Amputation. This was followed by a session on Prosthetic Services In New Zealand, with speakers from the NZ Artificial Limb Service, Shore Orthotics, ACC and Orthopro.
A highlight included during the dinner on Saturday evening was the launch of the children’s book Little Jellybean, with both Margot and Trixie Wuts present to join in the celebration.
Following a Sponsor’s Slot which included demonstrations by Otto Bock and Invacare, the 15 Give it a Go! youths shared their experiences of the previous day – horse riding, jet boating and a high wire course. This was followed by an inspirational talk Triumph Beyond Life’s Tragedies: Beyond Amputation, by John Baye, BK Amputee, Patient & Family Outreach Coordinator, Southeast Louisiana Veteran’s Hospital, New Orleans.
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