71st Annual Conference & 72nd National Council Meeting
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- 71st Annual Conference & 72nd National Council Meeting
The 71st Annual Conference and 72nd National Council Meeting were held at the Brentwood Hotel in Wellington during the weekend 20-22 April 2018.
Friday Evening – Official Opening
The Acting President, Mr. David Johnston, welcomed Mr. Paul Eagle (Labour Party MP for Rongotai) to the meeting. Mr Eagle extended a welcome to approximately 85 Amputee Society members and supporters and acknowledged the forthcoming Anzac Day with an Ode of Remembrance. He then spoke about the excellent facilities available in Wellington for those with disabilities, before officially declaring the Conference open.
The business session followed, with the Election of Officers resulting in the following: Mark Bruce (President); David Johnston (Vice President); Lorraine Peacock (Coordinator/Treasurer); Matthew Bryson, Geoff Hansen, Justine Mangan-Woods, Kath Stone (Committee Members).
At the conclusion of the business session, Life Membership was presented to Mr. Wally Garrett, acknowledging his many years of service to the Federation.
In the morning, attendees enjoyed leisure time, including visits to Zealandia Eco Sanctuary and Te Papa.
During the afternoon, an address on Peer Support by Melissa Noonan (Limbs4Life, Australia) was well received. This was followed with a talk by Ireny Wilson (CCS Disability Action), Janette Searle (Take My Hand), and representatives of Prosthetic Services in New Zealand – Des Nicholson (Orthopro) and Sean Gray (NZ Artificial Limb Service).
Sponsors’ Slots on Sunday morning included demonstrations by Otto Bock Australia Ltd and Ossur Asia-Pacific. A keynote address was then delivered by Paula Tesoriero, Disability Rights Commissioner, entitled Promoting Change, and Kate Horan shared her journey over the years, following which Give it a Go! youths shared their experiences of the previous day’s activities (see the Give it a Go! page for some of their comments).
Annual Conferences
- 75th Jubilee Conference & 76th National Council Meeting
- 75th National Council Meeting
- 74th National Council Meeting
- 72nd Annual Conference & 73rd National Council Meeting
- 71st Annual Conference & 72nd National Council Meeting
- 70th Annual Conference & 71st National Council Meeting
- 69th Annual Conference & 70th National Council Meeting
- 68th Annual Conference & 69th National Council Meeting
- 67th Annual Conference & 68th National Council Meeting
- 66th Annual Conference & 67th National Council Meeting
- 65th Annual Conference & 66th National Council Meeting
- 64th Annual Conference & 65th National Council Meeting
- 63rd Annual Conference & 64th National Council Meeting
- 62nd Annual Conference & 63rd National Council Meeting
- 61st Annual Conference & 62nd National Council Meeting
- 60th Jubilee Conference & 61st National Council Meeting