"Give it a Go" 2013

Wellington was the venue for 2013 and 17 youths took part in kayaking, rafting and rock climbing.  Here is what two of the girls had to say….

Attending the give it a go 2013 was such a fun experience; I met some great people and did some great activities. I had never been to Wellington and to go for this weekend was amazing, the rafting was definitely my favourite activity as I had never done anything like that before. Although there was a lack of flowing water in some places we still had a great time watching and pushing people off the boats.   What I really liked about this weekend was getting to know some people with similar problems as me and find out different ways of getting around tough tasks. Thank you to Chris and everyone else who made this weekend possible I had the best time.

The ‘Give it a Go’ group was even better this year with about double the amount of people, adding to the fun we all had!  I really enjoyed the rafting this year, as I missed out last year, but I now know why all the others were raving about it- we all had a great time plotting how to push others out of their rafts, although we had to wait for appropriate times as the water was often quite shallow with many rocks due to the drought. It was great to talk with everyone, whether their experience was similar to yours or not, and I genuinely had a good time, making friends from all over the country. It was also really nice to just be with people who understand that it takes a little time to put a limb back on after rafting without it for a couple of hours. Overall, ‘Give it a Go’ was a huge success and I look forward to next year in Nelson!


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