Amputee Society of Otago and Southland


The Otago/Southland Society was established in 1944 – one of the first of the current eight affiliated Societies of the Amputees Federation of New Zealand Inc. It has approximately 200 members and is administered by a Committee based in Dunedin. Membership of the Committee includes people from Southland and other areas outside Dunedin.
The Amputee Society Otago & Southland Inc. is a key part of New Zealand’s network of amputee support organizations, offering comprehensive assistance to amputees, their families, and friends. Their services include home and hospital visits, a quarterly newsletter alongside a national magazine, and information on available support. They also offer some financial aid, coordinate with Limb Centre staff for local consultations in Southland, and host social events in Dunedin and Invercargill to foster community connection.

Services Provided by our Society

  • Hospital and home visits.
  • A quarterly newsletter, together with the national magazine, Purpose.
  • Information on support available to amputees.
  • Some financial assistance to members in need.
  • Coordination of visits by Limb Centre staff to Invercargill. These enable amputees in Southland to consult limb-fitters and have adjustments made to limbs without having to travel to the Limb Centre in Dunedin.
  • Social functions in Dunedin and Invercargill which provide an opportunity for members to meet fellow amputees and discuss common problems.

Contact Information

Lorraine Peacock QSM (Coordinator)

Phone 027 422 1298

Email: [email protected]

Dunedin & Districts

Lorraine Peacock 027 422 1298 Graeme Sayer 021 168 9221


David Johnston (03) 214-1548 or 027 454 8483


George Gaudion 027 437 9865

Lakes District

Tetli Carey (03) 409-0484

Golf Photos